

Four Drugs under microscop of EU

Four new drugs go under the microscope in the wake of rising health concerns

Lisbon, 29.01.2014. Europe has responded to rising concern over the use of four new drugs by formally requesting a scientific investigation into the health and social risks of the substances. The decision was communicated to the EU drugs agency (EMCDDA) by the Council of the EU today, in line with a legal procedure designed to respond to potentially harmful new psychoactive drugs in the EU.

Ministers look at new solution to legal highs (UK)

Home Office to rethink psychoactive drug policy, which has been described as 'panic and then permanently ban'



Ministers are considering whether to give up on banning new psychoactive drugs known as "legal highs" and instead regulate the booming trade in the substances which are emerging on the market at the rate of more than one a week.
