Eltern und Angehörige
Dear parents and families,
You have observed your child with some substance or you have found anything ominous? Now you might be insecure and anxious? Ask yourself "What shall I do now?" You have already taken the first step; you already have started to inform yourself; this is a basic requirement for everything else as from now. But primarily, it shows that you have the willingness to act yourself.
Panic is a bad advisor
First of all, try not to panic. As soon as possible talk to your partner or a trusted adult person about your fears.
Talk to your child
When was the last time you had an open and candid conversation with your child? Make sure you do not start the conversation with a condemnation or disesteem of your child. Start with your concern and uncertainty, with involved tensions and conflicts.
Try to understand why your child is using drugs. What is your child looking for. The objective of the conversation should to consider the use of drugs critical but not to put the whole person in question. A conversation like an examination discourages.
Get advice and help
Since the circumstances vary in every case and generalizations usually leave more questions than answers we strongly recommend to get advise in a personal counselling interview. For this, you can contact a youth and drug helpdesk in your area or call an anonymous telephone drug helpline.
Via the telephone number ++49(0)1805 - 31 30 31 you can reach a nationwide drug-helpline with German speaking counsellors. Alternatively you can reach the local drug-helpline of BASIS e.V. if you dial the number ++49(0) 62 34 51. Here you also have the opportunity to speak with a representative of the „legal-high-inhaltsstoffe.de“ project team.
For englishspeaking pleas follow this Link to Knowthescore, a webside whith contact options.
If you have further questions or comments, please do not hesitate to send us an Email. We will answer immediately.
Your legal high team