


Evaluation of the findings of the “Phar-Mon” project in 2014

Within the scope pf the preceding project “Phar-Mon”, data concerning the abuse of pharmaceuticals among clients of outpatient substance abuse treatment facilities was gathered annually. In 2014, 970 cases of medicine abuse by 737 clients were found. The following report summarizes the methods and the results of the evaluation of the findings in 2014.

Piontek, D., Hannemann, T.-V. & Englert, P. (2015). Phar-Mon: Jahresauswertung 2014. München: IFT Institut für Therapieforschung. Available online via: http://ift.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Literatur/Berichte/2015-07-15_Phar-Mon_Jahresauswertung_2014.pdf.


Substance consumption in the party scene

From 2013 to 2015, in cooperation with “party projects” (projects that are active in the nightlife), young nightlife attendees were surveyed on their substance use behaviour. The focus of this survey was the consumption of novel psychoactive substances. In total, data from 1,671 attendees was collected. The main results were summarized in the subsequent report.

Piontek, D. & Hannemann, T.-V. (2015). Substanzkonsum in der jungen Ausgehszene. München: IFT Institut für Therapieforschung. Available online verfügbar via: http://ift.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Literatur/Berichte/2015-08-27_Bericht_Partyprojekte.pdf.